Homemade Granola & Greek Yogurt by Gussie Gayle
We’ve all heard about the Greek Yogurt craze by now, but what you don’t always hear about is how sugar-filled a lot of store brands can be (not to mention the preservatives). Here, our resident ‘house mom,’ Gussie Gayle, lets us in on one of her most popular recipes – greek yogurt and homemade granola. YUM-O! Perfect for any breakfast or mid-day snack! Here’s a sneak peek of the finished product:
Oh, and this recipe makes a LOT of granola, so if you’re not baking for a big family or group, cut it in half.
Step 1: Gather all of your ingredients!
Step 2: Pre-heat the oven to 350 degrees. Lightly oil and flour a cookie sheet with sides.
Step 3:

Once everything is happily groove-a-licious, spread the entire mixture evenly onto the cookie sheet. It’s a big pile if you do the whole recipe.
Step 4: Bake at 350 for about 25-30 minutes, or until golden brown. I usually stir about mid way. Watch it carefully, because it will overcook quicker than you realize. It needs to be golden brown, and “dry” enough (after it cools and you crumble it) that it will stay loose in storage. Store in an air-tight container.
Step 1: Gather ingredients!
Step 2:
Pour milk into small saucepan and whisk in powdered milk. Place over medium heat and bring to 120 degrees F on an instant read thermometer. Once milk has reached 120 degrees F, stir in yogurt, blend well, and then pour into two pint jars (or one quart jar).
Step 3:
Turn the light on in your oven and place the jars close to the bulb. I usually make the yogurt either in the morning and remove it from the oven before bedtime, or at night and leave it overnight until set.