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Finding Your Rhythm With A Routine

The sun is setting on summer, and there’s something looming over your head – you need to get back on track with your health commitments (womp womp). While some of us are SO ready to get back to feeling and looking better, others are a little….underwhelmed. The longer your ‘break’ may have been, the more difficult it may be to get back to the groove you were in pre-summer break. The struggle is real, ya’ll.

But have no fear, we’re here to help give you that swift kick in the seat (that you’ve been missing right!?) to get your fall rolling, beginning N-O-W.

  1. Grade Your Current Lifestyle. Are you taking a dynamic approach? There is nothing like feeling well in your mind and body to improve your focus, sleep and energy levels. This includes your habits, exercise and diet. Yes physical activity matters, but are you also paying attention to what you’re eating, and how you’re spending your time otherwise to really feel your best? You likely don’t need to do a complete re-haul here, so don’t stress before you even get started, but remember exercise is only one piece of the puzzle. And no amount of calories burned or classes taken will ultimately mend a calorie deficit, or poor life habits that cause you to skip your workout or eat junk food the next day.
  2. Make A Plan. For your diet, clear out all the crap in your pantry that starts whispering your name when you turn on Netflix. Set a cut-off time where the kitchen is closed and communicate this with ALL of your family members. Consider eating earlier, by making your biggest meals early in the day. This will prevent you from pigging out at night and helps your metabolism burn those calories before hitting the hay. Aim for exercise daily. Of course there will be days where you miss it, but if you aim for it every day and put it on your calendar, you will at least end up with a solid 4 or 5 days of movement.
  3. Get Organized. Prepare everything the night before. Lay out your workout gear and pack your gym bag. Plan your meals the night before and if possible, have them prepped and waiting for you. We think this grocery staple list from Theeverygirl.com for your weekly shopping is a great way to start with meal prepping next week.
  4. Hold Yourself Accountable. Start making yourself aware of all your fitness and dietary habits by tracking them. A few great internet options are MyFitnessPal.com or Lose It! App for smart phones. They are both thorough and quick, and eye-opening as well as addictive! Also research has proven again and again that people who track their eating are the biggest losers, literally.
  5. Stay Psyched. Find a workout buddy. Whether it’s your child, your dog, or ideally a fellow #barrebabe*, commit to finding someone who is waiting for you at a preplanned time. (*We bet you’d be pleasantly surprised if you leaned over next class and asked your neighbor if she wanted an accountability partner. Simply swap numbers and text each other to stay accountable and excited about class. BONUS, you just made another new friend, Miss Congeniality.) If you find yourself losing interest in staying on track, reward yourself with a massage or a new pair of leggings (not food or alcohol!).
  6. Have A Plan B. Nothing will ever 100 percent work according to plan, because life. There will be good days, and bad days. Give yourself a break, and start over again the next day (not next Monday, the very next day). Plan some quick fixes to get your spirits back up, and your body already working towards recovery. Ate a big (late) meal? Take a quick 10 – 15 minute walk afterwards to help your food digest and feel better. Skipped your workout? It’s ok because you’ve planned them daily (riiight?), so you’re 100% attending the next one tomorrow. Skipped the grocery store this weekend? Look into a healthy meal delivery service that you know you can fall back on for those weeks you’re too busy to prep.

Lastly, remember to focus on the outcome, not the action. How does eating, sleeping and exercising better make you feel? Keep your goals dynamic (a number on a scale should not be your measure for success), keep it simple and approachable, be gentle on yourself when you stumble, make adjustments along the way, and always, always keep going. You’ve got this!!!