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Don’t Give Up Your Day-Dream… Considering Owning an Nb? This One’s For You!

In The Trenches

Starting the process of becoming your own boss can be overwhelming.  Where do you even start?  At Neighborhood Barre, we get it- Founder and CEO Katy Richardson has been there.  Since deciding to quit her job and open the very first Nb studio, Katy has learned and more importantly, continues to learn, about how best to support the Nb studio owners.  

Buying into a franchise can seem like it is just buying a brand or a name, but it is so much more than that.  Strategy, systems and support are the backbone of what Nb provides to its owners.  It is not just a checklist and an owners manual because it is not one size fits all.  Each market and each owner may have something unique so the strategic and tactical plans are adjusted as needed, within the NB framework..  

Most potential franchisees are nervous or unsure, which makes perfect sense.   The best candidates are people that are willing to learn, follow the plan and focus on  the WHY behind the processes in place. So if you are thinking about stepping outside of your comfort zone, whether as a Neighborhood Barre studio owner or something else, having a team that is ready to lock arms with you is the best way to be set up for success.  Katy and the NB corporate team have been and continue to be in the trenches and are ready for our next owner.  

To hear more about Katy’s experience please click the video above. And if you would like to learn more about Neighborhood Barre Franchising, click HERE